9 Children Common Eye Issues

Eye health is one of the most important factors in growing children. Especially because as our children age, their eyes change every day. In this article, our optometrists list out 9 common eye issues in children
Headaches and tired eyes can be a sign that your child needs an eye check-up. Read your children’s body language and get your child’s eye tested with our optometrist if your child has any symptoms of common eye issues. Your child may not be aware their eyes have problems and it’s difficult for you as parents to tell whether your child has sight problems. It is equally important we catch any problems with their eyes as soon as possible. So if you’ve noticed any of the above behaviours developing in your kids while at home or school don’t ignore them.
Early detection of any paediatric eye conditions is vital. Regular checks can detect eye problems that children either don’t know about or can’t describe. At Optical Insight, our optometrists advise you to take your child to see an optometrist every two years or more regularly if it is recommended by the optometrist or your doctor. As behavioural testing optometrists, we can conduct visual perceptual tests in an effort to identify any gaps in these “building blocks”. Often children will be referred by a GP, maternal/child health nurse or school nurse.
Learn more about 9 Common Eye Issues In Children and a thorough examination of the eyes and face is required in order to figure out the cause, so if you are concerned, a trip to see one of our professional optometrists is worthwhile.
1. Refractive errors
Refractive errors occur when the eye fails to bend light to focus on the retina. This leads to blurry vision. Refractive errors include myopia (short-sightedness), hyperopia (long-sightedness) or astigmatisms.
Refractive errors are diagnosed through thorough eye exams.
Click here to book an exam now.
2. Amblyopia (Lazy eye)
Amblyopia occurs due to abnormal visual development in one/both eyes. This results in the brain to ignore images from the ‘lazy’ eye and can lead to the deterioration of vision. Improving lazy eye requires ongoing treatment by trained professionals.
Contact us for more information.
3. Strabismus (Crossed eyes)
Children with crossed eyes – having one or both eyes turning inwards, outwards, upwards or downwards constantly or occasionally – will require a thorough examination. This examination will rule out any serious conditions, as well as preventing the development of other issues and provide treatment.
4. Ptosis (Congenital droopy eyelid)
Occurs with weak upper eyelid muscles or damaged nerves. A thorough eye examination is required to determine any underlying causes and treatments.
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5. Conjunctivitis
There are many causes to conjunctivitis. These include bacterial or viral infections, allergies or an underlying systemic illness. Neonatal conjunctivitis, which can occur in a child’s first month of life, is one of the most serious types of conjunctivitis as it can threaten the child’s vision. When this occurs a paediatric ophthalmologist should be sought out immediately.
6. Childhood cataracts
Some children can be born with cataracts; however, they may not be discovered until the child is slightly older. These cataracts can put a child’s vision at risk. As a result, thorough eye exams, at a young age are so important to assist with diagnosing conditions such as cataracts as soon as possible. Early diagnosis will also assist with the management and prevent further vision impairment.
Click here to book an exam now.
7. Congenital glaucoma
Similar to cataracts, glaucoma’s can be present at birth. They are often very difficult to diagnose, particularly without thorough examinations. Children with congenital glaucoma’s in their family history are at a higher risk.
8. Nystagmus
Involuntary eye movements that move side-to-side, up and down or in a circle. It’s often a result of abnormal binocular fixation at a young age and can be associated with a number of eye diseases.
9. Eye injuries and foreign bodies
Injuries and accidents happen, particularly to children. Even a small injury, such as a small scratch on the eyelid, can cause serious vision problems. We recommend an eye exam as soon as something happens.
Click here to book an exam now.
Eye checks are the first defence against any underlying or future vision issues in your child. In most cases, an simple eye examination will help children avoid vision loss and blindness. Moreover, it can help some children fix issues that cause learning difficulties, such as refractive errors.
Book an appointment today to ensure your children’s eyes are as healthy as possible!