Outdoor Time for Eyes

Outdoor Time for Eyes

It appears that the incidence of children who need glasses because of short-sightedness (myopia) has been rising. This has been quite a consistent finding across the globe. Today’s kids spend more time indoors than outdoors. especially post-pandemic.

With winter approaching, it is important to allow extra outdoor time when possible to reduce the risk of childhood myopia. Incidences of myopia in children is higher in different parts of the world. In the USA (and similarly in Australia), by adulthood we have 1 out of 3 people with myopia. In parts of Asia where the children spend most time indoors, the myopia incidence is much higher (up to 90%). In the past, the average age of children developing myopia is 12 or 13 years of age; however, now children as young as 5 or 6 have been getting onsets of myopia. When children get myopia at a younger age, it generally progresses at a much greater rate, leading to greater risks of eye diseases when they are older.

Research shows that children who spend extended time reading or concentrating on close-up objects (including screen time) develop myopia at a younger age and the progression is faster. Other researches linked the myopia in children to genetic influence and outdoor time. Newer studies have backed outdoor time as a means to reduce the risk of myopia in children. This outdoor time factor has been significantly shown to reduce the risk of myopia, however the real reason why this is the case is unknown; it could be because children’s eyes focus on longer distance objects outside, or because they are exposed to greater amounts of light.

It is important for our children, even during winter, to spend at least 2 hours outdoor when possible as the first line of prevention of myopia. A new study from the University of Canberra also showed that once light reaches a certain intensity (outdoor light certainly emits higher intensity measured in unit of lux), a chemical of dopamine is released within the eye, which stops the elongation at the back of the eye. On the days that outdoor time is not possible, limiting screen time and near tasks (max 2 hours a day) can be beneficial, as well as taking regular breaks while doing near work (20-20 rule; every 20 minutes take 20 seconds rest).

Sonya Wijaya (B. Optom. Ther. Endorsed/ PG. Spec. Cert. Contact Lenses and Paedriatics) is an optometrist who practices in Optical In Sight (Doncaster East VIC) www.opticalinsight.com.au


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