Top ten questions to ask your optometrist!
Yearly eye exams are essential to eye health, but they can be a chore. You’re not alone if you procrastinate booking your eye exam and dread attending. For most, eye exams are just an update on your existing conditions and any vision impairment. So, to make the most of your eye exam, we’ve put together a list of questions you should be asking your Optom.
1. What tests are we doing today? Will there be additional costs?
A lot of anxiety can come with an eye exam. Most of which stems from the lack of knowledge and understanding and the uneasiness of someone touching our eyeballs. Ask your optometrist to explain what they’re about to do and why to ease any fears. If there are any additional costs, your optometrist would never proceed without approval – but ask anyway.
2. What are some things I can do to maintain, improve, or prevent the deterioration of my eyesight?
Although aging is a significant factor that causes your eyesight to change, it is not the only factor. Your general health and well-being play a role in your eye health. For example, diabetes can come with many risks for your eyes. Thus, lifestyle choices – such as diet and exercise – can improve or deteriorate your eyesight. Ask your Optom for advice on how to maintain your eye health.
3. Where can I get detailed information on my vision problems?
Optometrists and ophthalmologists are your go-to guides on maintaining your eye health. However, basic appointments can be too short to go through any vision problems in extreme detail – particularly with the number of patients your Optom needs to see in a day. So, if you want more information, ask your optometrist where you can find the most reliable and easy to understand information, on any of your conditions. They may even be able to print out a comprehensive, but simple, factsheet.
4. How often should I return for my comprehensive eye exam?
Although basic yearly exams are great, they may not be enough for everyone. Depending on your eye health, you may need a more comprehensive exam to monitor your condition. Ask your optometrist how often you should be going and what type of examinations you need to be getting.
5. Is there anything about my family history that puts me at a higher risk for eye disease?
Sometimes eye diseases aren’t about your lifestyle or life choices; sometimes, it’s as simple as your family history. When you make an appointment, your optometrist will always ask you about your family history of eye disease – and if we don’t, you should bring it up! Moreover, to ensure you maintain good eye health, ask us how your family history will impact your eyes and what you can do to minimise any risks.
6. How can I prevent certain eye diseases from occurring?
Certain lifestyle and genetic factors can put a person at a higher risk for certain eye diseases. Ask your optometrist what things you can do to minimise this risk during your appointment.
For example, for people who wear eye makeup, you must ensure that your makeup and utensils are clean and will not irritate the eyes.
7. Why did my prescription change?
As we age, our prescription is guaranteed to change. For example, when you hit 40, your eyes naturally lose some ability to focus. But we can’t always assume that is why your vision has changed. So it’s a good idea to ask your optometrist why your eyes have changed to take the necessary precautions to maintain good eye health.
8. What symptoms should I watch for?
Eye health isn’t just about how clearly you can see – although this is a significant symptom. Sometimes symptoms such as frequent headaches, stars in your vision or dry eyes can be a precursor to something more serious. Ask your Optom what symptoms you should be on the lookout for so you can easily catch and prevent the onset of more serious eye diseases.
9. Should I get glasses, contacts or have vision surgery?
Not everyone is a suitable candidate for vision surgery. Not everyone can wear contacts comfortably. Sometimes, glasses can cause other issues like headaches. Everyone is different, and to find out what is best for you, simply ask your optometrist!
10. What do my symptoms mean?
Sometimes a migraine is just a migraine, and other times a migraine is a symptom of an underlying condition. So stay on the safe side and ask your optometrist about any symptoms you’ve noticed that could result from an eye condition. You’ll thank us later.
The best way to maintain good eye health is to understand our eyes. So book an appointment today to ask us these great questions and ensure your vision and eyes stay in tip-top shape!
To book an appointment click here or call us on 9841 5798
For more information or to book a check-up, click here