What does a Digital Screen do to your Child’s eyes?

What does a Digital Screen do to your Child’s eyes?

In modern parenting, kids and digital devices (such as iPads, laptops, phones and so on) are inseparable. 

Many more pre-schoolers are using iPad and other digital devices for learning as well as entertainment.
Thus it is important for us parents to understand the risks and benefits of exposing our children to such devices.It has been shown that children with digital learning at home perform better at school.
However it can compromise to their health if given in excessive amount. We always encourage the healthy use of iPads and such devices in moderation in young children as there are risks in using them excessively.

Risks include exposure of the invisible harmful blue light emitted by the screens, progression of myopia or shortsightedness (inability to see things at distance clearly), as well as bad posture or ergonomics adapted when using the screen. Blue Light Exposure

Are there any benefits of blue light?
Yes; it boosts alertness, helps memory and higher cognitive functions.
However, excess exposure to harmful blue light emitted by any digital screens can cause oxidative damage to our eyes leading to early development of macular degeneration (that results in permanent loss of central vision) and loss of deep cycle as it disrupts sleep cycle which is crucial for children to grow healthy and promotes healthy mood.

Progression of Myopia (Shortsightedness)

The eyestrain caused by excessive near work can aid in myopia progression as well as inducing myopia. Children’s visual system is young and has high plasticity and can easily adopt near-sightedness from prolonged screen time.
Posture Problems

It is common for children to adopt poor postures with digital screen use which can lead to joint, neck, elbow, wrist and back problems.

To avoid these problems; try these simple remedies:
• Special type of spectacles with blue filter coating should be used for prolonged screen use
• Minimise contact time with digital screen
• Have good lights and try not to lie down when using digital screen
• Make a child have regular break with digital screen use (i.e. every 20 minutes try to look at object 20 feet away for 20 seconds)

Good eyesight during school years is important for learning and developing good life skills. With eyestrain and vision problems, children will encounter difficulties in learning as 80% of learning comes from vision for school aged children. It is important to have children’s eyes tested every year as most children are not aware that they have eye problems. They often assume that what they see is normal


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